Seen some hard times

We ran across this guy at Taos Pueblo in New Mexico — apparently nobody actually keeps dogs as family pets, so a half dozen or so dogs just wander around as strays / community pets. Judging by his left eye, this one got in a scuffle recently.

Seen some hard times...

It took me some tinkering in Aperture before I got happy with this shot — it just looks better to me as a pseudo-antique than as a full color image.

Farewell committee

Near the end of our recent trip to Washington, D.C., we’d done a big drive down through Virginia to see some old plantations. Rather than drive around the bulk of the Charles river in order to get back to our hotel, we opted to take the Jamestown ferry to get across the river to Williamsburg. As we left the Virginia shore, these two watched the show:

Farewell committee

The pier and gulls are maybe a bit darker than I’d like, but I love how the water bokeh came out. What do you think?


While I was experimenting with stock-style photography, I turned my attention to my computer’s keyboard. It’s just sitting there, can’t run away, why not? “D” and “F” are right next to each other (pity the “O” is all the way over on the other side of the keyboard), so I thought they’d be the perfect subjects for a little bokeh / DOF shot:


Green coloration added in PS Elements in honor of St. Patrick’s day…


Another shot from the Yampa River Botanical Park; Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This one’s a bit more processed than the last one:


I basically turned up the blue saturation a bit and turned the green down to a similar degree — sort of a “poor man’s selective color,” because I didn’t like the look when I took away everything *but* the blue. The end result isn’t too gaudy, I don’t think…