Thanks for the memory

A little stock-style photographic experimentation:

Thanks for the memory

This shot started with some techno-junk I had kicking around. An ancient ATA hard drive (get one just like it off eBay for about $5), and the motherboard of a defunct PC for an appropriately tech-flavored background. Throw in some flash bounced off the ceiling, and voila!

Next stop for the drive — platter removal (should make a nice wall-mount clock face!).

What’s the buzz?

Another shot from the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, Colorado — this time of some honeybees in an indoor display case:

Whats the buzz.jpg

You’ve probably seen them, those honeybee cases in botanical gardens and such. The honeybees get to build their hive indoors, with a tube leading outside to an area with flowers. Meanwhile visitors get to see them hard at work.

I discovered something on this visit — regardless of the temperature indoors, the honeybees seem to be far less active when it’s cold outside. Even though I had my ring flash, I think the bees’ slow motions helped me get a nice, sharp image here. Unfortunately, you can also see a little bit of a smudge on the glass over on the left side of this shot.

Originally posted to the old blog on January 5, 2009; on Flickr over here.