Another image from Hawaii — this one from along the trail to Akaka Falls.
It’s a quick little walk on paved trails — should you ever find yourself in the neighborhood, I’d heartily recommend you check it out!
Another image from Hawaii — this one from along the trail to Akaka Falls.
It’s a quick little walk on paved trails — should you ever find yourself in the neighborhood, I’d heartily recommend you check it out!
While I was experimenting with stock-style photography, I turned my attention to my computer’s keyboard. It’s just sitting there, can’t run away, why not? “D” and “F” are right next to each other (pity the “O” is all the way over on the other side of the keyboard), so I thought they’d be the perfect subjects for a little bokeh / DOF shot:
Green coloration added in PS Elements in honor of St. Patrick’s day…
In a post over on the old blog, I talked a bit about (and shared some video from) the green sand beach near South Point, on the big island of Hawaii. If you find yourself “in the neighborhood” but can’t (or don’t want to) hike to the beach, you do have alternatives.
This isn’t “the” green sand beach, this is a little tide pool about a mile away — but it’s managed to collect some of its neighbor’s sand just the same. It only covers about 200 square feet (so 20″ish” square meters), but it’s considerably closer to the trailhead.
Another shot from the Yampa River Botanical Park; Steamboat Springs, Colorado. This one’s a bit more processed than the last one:
I basically turned up the blue saturation a bit and turned the green down to a similar degree — sort of a “poor man’s selective color,” because I didn’t like the look when I took away everything *but* the blue. The end result isn’t too gaudy, I don’t think…
On a rain-soaked day, I saw these flowers in a garden in the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park in Nova Scotia:
Even drooping, they’re still a nice looking group of flowers.
The state flower of Colorado; along the Copper Lake Trail near Crested Butte, Colorado.
Originally posted to Flickr on June 28, 2008 here.
Seen in Liverpool, Nova Scotia; originally posted to Flickr on October 18, 2009.