As I mentioned in an earlier post, we recently returned from a family road trip to Glacier National Park (and some parks in the Canadian Rocky Mountains to boot!). 12 days, 4,000 miles of driving, a bit short of 1,000 pictures taken — a worthwhile if occasionally tiring trip.

Our motivation for the road trip was pretty simple — we wanted our daughter to see Glacier N.P. at least once while it still actually has glaciers. OK, and it doesn’t hurt that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the park.
While the weather wasn’t any too helpful, the scenery didn’t disappoint (although the remaining glaciers did keep playing hide-and-seek with us, courtesy of some pretty stiff cloud-cover).

Sad to say, the glaciers have seen better days. The park had 150 glaciers back in 1850 — now it’s down to 26, all of which are expected to be gone by 2020.
If you want to see all this for yourself, it’s time to hit the road!